This website blog is designed to confront the need for Powerful Leadership both in the church /business and in the community changing our world today

The Power of Leadership - Teamwork!

Friday, February 19, 2010

The 13 Principles of Powerful Leadership

1. Leadership Vision

* The ability of the leader to carry out and fulfill an enormous vision beyond their imagination designed to change the very existence of life.

2. Leadership Communication

* The ability of the leader to effectively communicate the vision to the team or people group with clarity and accuracy to achieve the common goal.

3. Leadership Strategy & Execution

* The ability of the leader to have a set plan and a set time frame moving by faith to bring the vision from point A to point Z. We start things in life but we just don't finish them.

4. Leadership Confidence

* The ability of the leader to operate with full assurance in themselves and in the vision knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that this vision is completed even before it gets started in ones view.

5. Leadership Dedication & Excellence

* The ability of the leader to be consistent at all times, loyal to the people and the vision, operating in spirit of excellence having the mindset of perfection, keeping the hope and joy of your team alive, and moving with great expectation through any adversity.

6. Leadership Teamwork

* The ability of the leader to notice or discern gifts and talents within their company, team or people group, having the ability to allow each team-leader and the people connect to that team - to work with full assurance in their ability while at the same time serving as a check and balance system to assure quality, productivity and excellence. Before you can have a team-leader you must have a servant-leader and this is one who follows the lead of the overseeing leader, manager or Senior Pastor.

7. Leadership Accountability

* The ability of the leader to first be accountable as well as the people group regarding the overall task of the vision - as well as the duties of each person involved operating in excellence on every level.

8. Leadership Flexibility

* The ability of the leader to have flexibility regarding the vision, the people and the road to get there with regard to the final destination of the vision.

9. Leadership Trials and Tribulations

* The ability of the leader to embrace trials and endure tribulations as a good, moral and sound leader - directing, leading, and guiding the vision and the people to the final destination.

10. Leadership Sphere of Influence

* The ability of the leader to have influence with both God and people in general. Powerful Influence: is created by good moral integrity, sound teaching, sold focus, clear vision, powerful education and wisdom, great communication, excellent presentation, and consistent development. When Powerful Influence is lost it may take light years to regain.

11. Leadership Self-Hindrances

* The ability of the leader to know their strengths and their weaknesses while operating in the spirit of excellence. You are more your problem than people are! The tragedy of life is not what we suffer but what we miss. We must move beyond our self-suffering nature and think above and beyond circumstances and issues. You are what you make yourself to be.

12. Leadership Business & Finance

* The ability of the leader to know business as well as finance to operate the vision with excellence. If you don't know - ask somebody who knows so you can be excellent in that area to further the vision.

13. Leadership Purpose & Destiny

* The ability of the leader to know their purpose in the earth and their destiny. Everyone living on the earth must make it their obligation to know this before they reach 30 years old at least, by that time you should have some since of forwardness with a desired destination regarding purpose and destiny.

1 comment:

  1. Powerful leaders are generally very convincing, and can easily influence others to buy into their purpose. See more at:-
