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The Power of Leadership - Teamwork!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Vision Casting & Catching

Vision Casting & Effective Communication for Membership Catching

Vision: is a forecast of what is to come, sharing a strategy, potential timeline & execution of details and plans with a team, organization or church for a ultimate purpose.

Habakkuk 2:2-3“And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.”

Vision Casting: is the ability to share plans regarding the ministry to a group of people both immediate and/or long-term providing a strategy, potential timeline & execution of the vision goal using diagrams, charts, publications, meetings, workshops, and all tools necessary to engage the team to own the vision.

Vision / Effective Communication: it is important that the vision is communicated in your Sunday Program, Church brochure, flyer's, business cards, T-Shirts, Annual Church Theme, with your core leaders, and in the messages.

A. The Senior Pastor: is thee God given vessel responsible for releasing the vision to and for the church.

B. The Senior Pastor: must spend time with God consistently to receive the vision to release the vision step by step.

C. The Senior Pastor: must release the vision to the core leadership first and both Pastor and core leadership to the congregation as a whole.

D. The Core Leadership: must flow in total harmony with the language and speech of the Senior Pastor and must echo with him the vision of the house.

E. A Vision must include: the Senior Pastor, core leadership, church congregation and the community. A vision must go beyond Sunday Morning services and Bible Studies but rather it must include: Community Outreach, Evangelism, Community Resource Help, Children & Youth Advancement opportunities as well as family and marriage enrichment resources.

F. The Power of Excellence: The excellence of how the Senior Pastor carries him or herself both spiritually and naturally will reflect the vision growing on every level. Excellence will call for: protocols, structures, standards, and polices to be in place and enforced by the Senior Pastor and his core leadership for the increase of the vision.

G. Partnerships: it is very important that a church form new partnerships with outside organizations to enhance the vision of the church. In addition, it’s also important for partnerships to be established within your church.

H. Plugged In: it’s very important that people are plugged into the vision the moment they complete New Members Foundations Class. Everybody is not a leader but everyone can take on a specific function or duty in the church. Be sure to provide the congregation with a form where you can learn of their gifts and talents to further and vision of the church.

I. Stewardship: Every leader and member of the church should be a financial supporter of the ministry according to – Malachi 3:8 (tithe & Offering). The Membership must also be good stewards (mangers) of there time and talent toward the ministry. In addition, it’s very important regarding church business to research and implement all legal and economic resources available to non-profit organizations to achieve your vision.

J. Vision Killers: People who come into your ministry and do not support and Senior Pastor and vision of the church should be asked to step down from leadership and/or any other responsibility. The Vision is too important to have negative people - hold up progress regarding the vision.

Nehemiah 2:18
“Then I told them of the hand of my God which was good upon me; as also the king's words that he had spoken unto me. And they said, Let us rise up and build. So they strengthened their hands for this good work.”

Vision Catching: is the ability to listen to the vision and run with it (receive it and work it) according to the set plan and design shared by the Senior Pastor from the Holy Spirit.

Things to Remember:

A. Evidence of Vision Catching: occurs when you hear the people echoing the voice of the Senior Pastor and doing the work of the vision according to the set plan and design imparted.

B. Stay In Your Lane: it is very important that as we listen to the vision and build the work we must also “stay in our ordained area of duty” and not take on an area not appointed nor anointed by the leadership of the Senior Pastor and by the Holy Spirit to do.

C. Ego Trips: Just because you are functioning in an area of leadership or duty does not mean you can’t be replaced. “It’s not about you, it’s about JESUS”. You must be a humble and meek vessel at all times while working in ministry. Catching the vision has no room for selfish, self-centered people.

D. End Zone: In football this is the place where we “Score”. It’s very important that every team member of your church “Score” in the area of “showing love to those that visit and/or join the church” as well as “assisting new members in getting plugged in” – to the vision of the house. We must reach the “End zone” regarding the overall success of the ministry.

E. Nehemiah & the People: they worked together under heavy circumstances but yet and still accomplished the vision set before them. Teamwork is the only way to reach the final destination of vision!


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